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BRC Fan Art 
Some basic envriomental fan art for the game Bomb Rush Cyberfunk that I blocked out ages ago but never finished. Cleaned it up and finished the textures to post it… a little later than I wanted to haha.

All the textures were hand drawn and deisigned in the image of those that appear in the game. While not at the same detail level or following the same “rules” as the textures you see in the game I feel like it captures the spirt well enough. The Billboards however are from the game Jet Set Radio Future as sitting down and deisgn a bunch of custom billboards for this wasn’t in the scope of the project.

This was a fun experiment, definitely want to try and do some more small Enviromental art projects like this.

Preview image for the Dev log of Deep blue, shows a WIP gameplay screen, doubles as a link to the article
[Dev Log ] - The 3rd dev log for Deep Blue is now available  
Preview image for the Diabolus Mini map being made for Doom 2, it shows a screenshot from the map editor, doubles as a link to the article
[MAP - DOOM 2] - A new Diabolus Ex styled map for Doom 2 designed for the gameplay mod Hideous Destructor is in development
Preview image for the Wave Survival map pack being made for Doom 2, it shows a screenshot from the map editor, doubles as a link to the article
[MAP - DOOM 2] - A Wave survival map for Doom 2 that's now in development
